Friday, January 4, 2008

Commenting on blogs

During the 23 Things I have added comments to a few people's blog posts, but it was sort of in my capacity as the guy who reads everyone's posts. I like to think that I've offered a little bit of encouragement. Of all the tasks in the 23 Things one of those I am most proud of is number 4, the one that requires people to comment on each others' blogs.

I have spoken before about why I think that's been a good idea.

When you are blogging, your cannot see your audience. You don't know if you are doing it all in vain, because most people will view your blog and not add a comment. You don't know how people are reacting to what you are writing. If you receive no comments, you may presume that nobody is interested, when in reality this could be far from the truth.

When running a blog, getting comments can be very difficult and this can be discouraging.

Getting comments on your blog makes blogging rewarding, by showing that at least someone is reading what you're writing. For someone that is new to blogging, I think this is a good head start. It shows what blogging can be like if people are commenting on your blog and helping to contribute and share.

1 comment:

Sara Jervis said...

Hello Tom,

I admire your writing. I was going to say immensely, but I have been reading extensively during my break and discovering how simplicity is the hall mark of good communicators; they use few adjectives and adverbs.

I recall how well you instructed us about starting a blog. I came back to my desk, read the three things you gave as "how to' and there it was - my blog. I shall remember that moment for a long time.
Your writing has the quality of being wise and simple.

If you read this in NZ, wish D and M my best.
