Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Ah, YouTube. I could get stuck on it all day. There's always more to see.

It's owned by Google, contributing to the overall Google-bias of these 23 things. I must admit that I've been more fanatical about Google during the writing of these blog entries than my skeptical self would normally be.

While Google owns the company, it doesn't boast about YouTube as a Google product. There is no Google logo on top of the site, and no mention of YouTube in this list of Google products. It does, however, let you sign in to YouTube with your Google account, though that functionality is hidden, as if to discourage it. This is in contrast to Yahoo's aquisition of Flickr, where the fact that it is a Yahoo company is now readily apparent.

It probably has a lot to do with whatever plans Google has for Google Video's future, which is a long-time sort-of competitor to YouTube. I can't imagine that Google Video will now swallow up YouTube, though. The brand and interface are too well-established and well-tuned.

Amongst all this, I did manage to find some YouTube videos about libraries. I particularly enjoyed the quite famous Library Pacman video that Swinburne produced. I also enjoyed finding a Swinburne promo on YouTube, despite the mis-spelling of both 'university' and 'promo' within the video.

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